Nyssma piano level 4
Nyssma piano level 4

Performance is a very important part of playing an instrument, and solo performance is the best way for a student to recognize their capabilities and highlight their successes. The immediate benefit of the NYSSMA Solo Festival is the performance itself. What is the Immediate Benefit of Solo Festival? Parents are invited to observe their child’s performance of scales and solo during this festival, but only the student and adjudicator are allowed in the room during the sight-reading portion of the evaluation. Students are usually given 30-60 seconds to study their sight reading selection, but they are not permitted to pluck, bow, or otherwise make sounds by playing during this study period. Sight reading selections are varied and reflect the level of the student’s solo. Lastly, the student will be given a short sight reading example to briefly study. The judge will most likely be writing during most of the evaluation period, and you will be able to read their comments at the end of the festival. After playing scales, the student will play the NYSSMA solo they have prepared. The judge will select up to 3 scales to hear from the pre-selected list to begin the evaluation. At their assigned time, the student will enter the evaluation room (usually a classroom in an area school) and meet the judge. What Can My Child Expect at Solo Festival?ĭepending on the level of solo selected, students can expect a solo festival evaluation that is between 10 and 20 minutes long. When teachers talk about NYSSMA, they’re usually referring to this Solo Festival that is held in the Spring. Participation in Solo Festival is voluntary, and there is a small fee required (less than $30). The Solo Festival was created so students could be uniformly evaluated across New York State. Students perform a prepared solo and scales for the purpose of evaluation. The NYSSMA Solo Festival is an event that is held every year around the state at local adjudication sites. The Brewster Central School District music teachers belong to the Putnam County Music Educators Association, and Putnam County belongs to NYSSMA Zone 10 (Columbia, Dutchess, and Putnam Counties). Students and educators are divided up by County and Zone for evaluation and festival participation. There are approximately 5,000 music educators who are members of this organization which serves over 100,000 students statewide. NYSSMA is the acronym for the New York State School Music Association, the state-level affiliate of the National Association for Music Education. My answers may not reflect the official position of the New York State School Music Association. The answers to the frequently asked questions are derived from my own experience, what I’ve learned from my colleagues, and what I’ve observed at festival locations. One of the questions I’ve been asked most frequently since I began teaching is “What is NYSSMA?” I talk about NYSSMA a lot in my classes and with my private students, and so I took the time to try to address this question more fully in today’s post.

Nyssma piano level 4